Reports and Reviews 

Warlingham Park School was inspected by The Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) in January 2022.

ISI Report January 2022 highlights:

Key findings:

The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent.

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is good.

  • From the earliest age, pupils actively support each other in a highly collaborative atmosphere, respecting and recognising individual differences and needs.
  • A family ethos where all pupils display and discuss their inherent values of knowing what is expected and how to be kind and respectful is a strong feature of the school.
  • Pupils are confident communicators, who willingly present ideas and information to others.
  • Pupils’ ability to analyse, argue and reason logically are well developed.
  • Pupils’ enthusiasm is encouraged by committed staff reinforcing a productive work ethic and positive can-do approach.
  • Pupils achieve success in a range of academic and other achievements throughout their time at school, encouraged by the celebration of their successes through a plethora of different avenues, such as house points, stickers and certificates.
  • Pupils show a keen sense of wanting to do the right thing; they have pride in their good behaviour and respect for one another, taking responsibility for their part in maintaining a friendly and safe space to learn.
  • Pupils have an extremely strong appreciation of different cultural backgrounds and diversity within society.
  • Pupils value their community and gain a sense of personal achievement and satisfaction from contributing to the success of the school.

Download the report using the button below. 

ISI Report, January 2022

In November 2023 the school was inspected by ISI.  This was an additional Inspection and focussed on the school’s compliance with the Independent schools standards regulations (2014) and the Early Years statutory framework. Two inspectors spent the day in school observing classes, meeting with staff and pupils, and scrutinising policies and documentation. The full review can be downloaded using the button below. 

Warlingham Park Additional Inspection Report, November 2023

In December of 2018, Warlingham received an unannounced progress monitoring visit at the request of the Department of Education to ensure we were implementing the action plan submitted following an inspection in March 2018. To read this report, please click the button below

Warlingham Park School monitoring visit December 2018


Life at Warlingham Park School...