Welcome to Warlingham Park Nursery

I have been at Warlingham Park School for 2 years. Having managed various Early Years settings for the past 14 years I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. My priority is ensuring children are paramount in all that we do and that we are providing the very best care and education for every individual child.

Please do book a visit to see our wonderful Early Years facilities. I look forward to meeting you.

Claire Giles, Nursery Manager

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is taught throughout our setting from the Blossoms room (age 2-3) through to Reception class.

Our aim is to plan activities for the children around their interests and existing knowledge, we can therefore keep children stimulated whilst broadening their skills within the 7 areas of learning. We provide a holistic approach to learning, using co-curricular activities to enhance the learning that takes place each day.

The children in our care are given opportunities to join in with music and dance lessons with subject specific teachers. They also then engage in PE, cookery and forest school lessons with their key workers. The children are kept busy through a wide range of varied activities, such as, sand and water play, story and song time, painting, puzzles and so much more.

Throughout their time in Nursery our children are prepared for the transition to Pre-School and Reception. Please use the button below to find out more about our Pre-School offering.

Pre-School at Warlingham Park School

Frequently Asked Questions

Opening Hours and Term Dates

Drop off is from 8am with clubs running until 6pm.

Our term dates can be viewed below.

Term Dates

Settling In

Settling in is a very important part of the transition into nursery for both the child and the parents. We offer 5 complimentary settling in sessions. These commonly take place the week before the child’s start date, however we can be flexible if needed. During the first session, the parent is invited to stay to help their child find their way around the classroom and give them the reassurance which is sometimes needed. From the second session onwards, the parent can drop off and pick up without staying to play.

Prior to the settling in sessions, we will send you a welcome pack to inform you on what to bring, wear, do etc. This pack contains an ‘All about me’ form which we ask you to complete before the settling in sessions commence. The information from this form will enable staff to carefully plan and organise the settling in sessions to meet your child’s needs.

Will organise the sessions to take place at the most suitable times of day for the children, which are either 9am-11am or 2:30pm-4:30pm. During these times our focus adult-led activities will take place as well as some garden time and free play.

The team have a wealth of experience with settling children into a nursery and therefore we are certain that the children will have a positive experience during their settling in week, however if you feel that your child is struggling with the separation please do let us know as we are here to support you and your family and can offer differentiated strategies which can be tailor made to your circumstances.

During the settling in sessions, we will monitor your child’s progress and keep you informed of how they are doing using photos and additional information on our Famly app. We will also observe your child and make an informed choice on who the key person should be depending on the bonds they form with the staff team.


We are proud to be independently reviewed and graded by the UK’s leading nursery review website. Please do take a look at what our current families say about us.

Book a Nursery tour 

Please fill in the form below to book a tour.